[From: Mormon pioneer overland travel 1847-1868 history.lds.org/overlandtravel/pioneers/14967/william-athol-mc-master ]
Captain of Ten. (He spelled his surname "MacMaster" in his diary, and the Ancestral File uses the "McMaster" spelling.)
- Daniel Garn Company (1854) : Age at Departure: 37
Company Unknown (1868) : Age at Departure: 51 Returning Missionary
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Margaret Drummond Ferguson McMaster |
[From: The Deseret Weekly, Volume 48, page 604]
[from Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, page 1061]
[From: Church History Library, MS 989 : MacMaster, William Athole, Diary, 1848-1887, fd. 1, 351-63.]
Teusday 6th ten Wagons went to the plains with these hundred some heavey rain and thunder. there was a Meeting to see how many died of the Shife [ship] Windermoor [Windmere] Company and it was found to be 53 to this deat [death].
Wednesday 7th ten Wagons went to the plains. very Cold Morning.
Thursday 8 some wagons went to the Plains[.] very cold Morning i went to Kansas and visited. the camp these day very hot.
Freday 9th some Wagons went to the plains[.] fine day only verey cold
Saterday 10th i was Appointed Captain over ten Wagons[.] warm day[.] i orgnized 195 souls and Appointed the guard for the Night.
Sunday 11th warm day. i called A Public meeting and several of the Brothren spoke and we had the Lords supper in our tents After. and i Appointed the guard for the Night[.] all is well. only one man.
Monday 12th warm day. i served out some oxens and other things and took the Names of all those that has only payed their Passage to Kansas and Appointed the gaard for the Night.
Teusday 13th i Called a Meeting of the saints on the campe ground. That we might clear the ground of all the rechage [wreckage] that others left behind when they left and only few Attended. to it. but went their own way. all well.
Wednesday 14th my Wife was verey ill but she began to get better in the Morning About. 5. oclock by the Power of God. i Also searved out food to About 200 People. day warm.
Thursday 15th dul day with some thunder and rain i gave out some food. and Attended to other things in the Evening three Came to my tent and was Attended to that they Might be Healed as they were ill. i Appointed the guard for the Night.
Friday 16th i gave out some food to go to People on the Plains[.] there was a verey heavy rain in the Morning. i Baptized John Given son of Elizabeth Given. verey hevey Thunder and rain to Night.
saterday 17th gave out some Proviesion to go to the plains and Confirmed John Given and Appointed the guard for the Night. the day was verey warm.
Sunday 18th I was verey thrang all day. it was verey warm
Monday 19th i gave out provision to the camp i.e. those that compose it. Thunder and rain day. i organized some tents to day and many found fault with it Although they say that they would do any thing for the Church[.] i remained in the McGee ground till
Thurday 22 when i left with six wagon and came and pi[t]ched on the Borders of the Prires [Prairie] on a healthy place
Friday 23rd we began to get some more Provision for the Journey[.] day warm
Saterday 24th i went with one Wagon and 48 oxen and Brought up some Wagons and People and Provisions to the Campe on the Borders of the Prires[.] it was about 9 oclock at night when we got to the Campe with the last Wagon[.] verey warm day
Sunday 25th i dealed out some Provision and Attended to other dutyes
Monday 26thi attended to the deutys of the day. it Being verey warm and i was verey pained with tooth Ack [ache].
Teusday 27th our Camp Consisting of 31 wagons went to the Priries in three divisions viz. Captian [Thomas Tod[d]— Cap Lamb 2 nd and i 3rd and in the Evening i Attended drill
Wednesday 28th verey busie Among the Cattle and14 yock [yoke] went to Kansas and removed many of the saints these to the Borders of the Prires. Day verey hot with lighting at night
Thursday 29 D. Caran was Appointed to Lead the saints of 66 Wagons over the plains to the S.L. valley day was verey hot.
Friday 30th in company with [..] Andrew i went to McGee Camp Ground with 4 oxen and took up D. Caran, wagon and goods to the Pririe[.] day verey hot.
Saterday 1st July 1854 made ready to start over the Plains
Sunday 2nd we left for the plains and some of the oxen off with the wagons over duches [ditches] and set the tubs and pans a jumpen and one wagon brock [broke] down[.] we went about two mils and Camp for the night.
Monday 3rd we went rather better. we went about 8 mils[.] two wagons stuck in the mud
Tuesday 4th we went still better and Camped in Bull Creek.
Wednesday 5 Lock [Luke] Smith died about 3 oclock morning and was buired age 17 years. he had no coffon. Thursday 6th We left Bull Creek about 8 oclock AM and came over 8 mils of rough road one wagon brock down. we camped for the Night and to make repairs at a place where was planty of water coled.
we past on untill Wednesday 12 th when my young son jsrellows [Isarilis McMaster] died at the Baptist Missionary station near the Kansas river and we crossd the river and about 7 mils to the west of this where we Camped for the Night.
Saterday 15th we started and when we were a little on our way 12th wagon had a little stampe[e]d but we soon got all things to order again and the stars was bright in the Heavens when we camped at Night
Sunday 16th we came about 5 mils and Camped about 12 oclock and we had a Public meeting and made an axeltree
Monday 17th we left and came over a rough road and camped for the night.
Tuesday 18th we treaveled over a rough road and camped for the Night. i do not put down the Mil[e]s as i do not know them correct
Wednesday 19th we came over a rough road and thrugh two or three rivers and at Night we Camped a little from the Big Blue where the men was to the midle coming thrugh
Thursday 20 we stoped at the Big Blue and made some Repairs.
Friday 21st we left the Blue River and so past on till we came to the Little Blue River on Monday 24thDistance about 80 or 85 mils where we camped—
Tuesday 25th we stoped to mak[e] some repairs
Wednesday 26th we left the little Blue River and traveled till we came to the platt[e] river on the 29th over a verey rough road and we treavled about 6 mils past fort Carnie [Kearney] and Camped for the night and being no wood or water we left earley on the 30th when we past Elder O[rson]. Pratts train and so we past on till the 5th of Augest 1854 when we past Elder O[rson]. P[ratt].s train again as it past us or our train the day before so we were stoped making an axeltree for my wagon. Elder O.P.s cattle took a stampaid [stampede] this morning and some of his men was out hunting them in the Afternoon we met E[lder]. Snow and E. Benson of the twelve and O. Spencer and other Brotheren from the valey and E. Snow and E. Benson spok[e] to us and made out heart rejoice and then past on to help Br O.P. and we past on to a few mils and Camped for the night
we left on the 6th and past on till the 8th when we crost the Platt[e] river in the morning and we Camped for the day. and the bains camp left in the morning. Henry Smith died about 12 oclock the Night before and was buired this morning with a coffon
Wednesday 9th we left and came to Ash holloa [Hollow] leting the Wagons down a hill by rop[e]s and we camped for the Night Near the post office Thursday[.] 10th we left and Came About 15 mils thrugh some verey beds of sand
Friday 11th E. Benson of the 12 and three other Brothren came up to us in the Morning and asked for some Cattle to help Br O.Pratts train which lost their as Above said and Br D[aniel]. Caran [Garn] out [our] Captain said that he would help them all he could so they went on and we Came about 10 mils and camped for the Night and About 11 oclock Elder O.Pratt and S.W. richards came to our campe on their way to the valley
Saterday 12th we sent 35 yock of oxen and 20 men to help Elder O. Pratts train Along and we still remained where we was making such repairs both in our cattle and wagons as was needed
Sunday 13th Widow Leadlaw [Jane Ferguson Laidlaw] was brought to bed of a son About 3 oclock in the Morning (her Husband died on the Missourie River on his way to Zion) the Kans send 20 yock of cattle to help O.P[ratt]. s train they came to our Camp about 12 oclock. we had a meeting in the Afternoon and some of the Elders spok[e].
Monday 14th two men went with the 20 yock of cattle to meet O.P s company[.] yesterday we had a heavy storm of thunder.
Tuesday 15th two Elders and I was Appointed to wight [weigh] all the goods in all the wagons and we found many of the people had more then they should have and they Had to burn many good things. in the Evening O.P.s train came up. we had several oxened died while we stayed here
Wednesday 16th we left and camped about 20 mils and camped for the Night
Thursday 17th we went About 18 mils over a hard road and we Camped a few mils from the Chimnie [Chimney] rock.
Friday 18th we went About 13 miles and camped Beside a house about 10 miles from Chimnie rock for the night.
Saterday 19th we left and came About 25 mils and on our way we buired a sister that died in the Morning.
Sunday 20th we buired Walter Hol[l]ey in the Morning which died the night before we camped About 27 mils from Fort Laremoor [Laramie.]
Monday 21st we Ccame to a house about 19 mils from the Fort and we was there informed that the indans and the solders at the fort Had A Fight 28 solders was kild and one wouded. we wase orderded to load our guns and make ready for an Atack from the indans and we Camped 18th mils from the Fort and all the row began because one of the indans taking a Cow from the Danes and killing it and not giving up the indan that did it. in the Evening two men on horse Back came to our camp on their way to Fort Le[a]venworth for help[.] it would take them eleven days or nine. we placed Armed men round the camp and cattle all night[.] i headed the first guiard
Tuesday 22nd we came About 3 miles and Camped puting our wagon in a carall and our tents inside of it. as we were Afraid that the indans was storming the fort so we thought that it was Best to stope behind till Elder E. Benson of the Twelve camp up as he had the charge of the camp as O.P. went on to the valley. and our captain D[aniel]. Carans [Garn] thought it wright to stop on him i-e. E. B[enson]. we are Camped on the Bank of the river Platt[e]. Day verey hot
Wednesday 23rd we left and treaveled About 5 miles past fort Laremoore [Laramie] and camped for the Night.
Thursday 24th we came to the Black hills and camped for the Night after passing over a very rought road of hills and vallys and sand
Friday 25th we had such Another days teravel and William Day of Stockport England Died before we came into Camp
Saterday 26th he was Buired without a coffon and we had such a days march as the day before. and we Camped on a hill and the Cattle watered in a valley below
Sunday 27th we left or all About to leave but when we came to hich our cattle two was amissing and all the train left but two wagons and i and some other of the Brothren went and hunted them up Among the hills and when we got up to the train they were Camped. and Sister [Mary Ann Leonard] Day wife of the above died about 2 oclock P.M. and was buired without a coffing [coffin] and we had A visit of some indans at the Camp[.] Br Carter shoded some oxen. rain and thunder in the Afternoon when we were hunting the cattle two indans came up two of us. and to get quate of them, i gave one A knapkin to put around his which was in my belt.
Monday 28th there was A ox lost for some time and the wagon that it belong to was left behind the train and when the indans saw it by itself they came about it rather two friendly so i went for ade [aid] to the train and on my way a ind[i]an with a Knife in his hand sesed [seized] me by the collor and wanted to Know what i had in my Pockets so i gave him A small teeth comb and he let me pass on. and when i got to the train i stoped it and Br D. Carans [Garn] with a Party of armed men went to the wagon and when the indans saw them they fled. we went about 13 mils and Camped for the Night. the road was verey rough
Tuesday 29th we left and came About 14 mils over a rough road and we Camped for the night.
Wednesday 30th we left and came to Deer Crick About 11 oclock and we treavled some more and Camped for the night. we had some thunder hail and rain
Thursday 31st we came to the upper crossing of the Platt[e] and camped for Night.
Friday Sept 1st we crost the Platt[e] and camped for the [missing text] but we sent the cattle back to grass
Saterday 2nd we traevled About 27 miles and Camped for the Night to the wright of wellow [Willow] spring.
Sunday 3rd we treavled About 16 mils and Camped for the Night.
Monday 4th we treavled 11 miles and Camped about about 1½ miles to the wright of sweet water. Sister [Puah Sarah Collins] Holl[e]y wife of the late Walter Holly was delivered of a daughter [Sophia Ann Holley].
Tuesday 5th we left and past and indpendence [Independence] rock and the Divels [Devils] Gate and Camped by sweet water A few mils by the gate
Wednesday 6th we left and Came a few mils and a axeltree of a wagon brock and we camped by sweet water untill repairs was made.
Thursday 7th we left and came thrugh a heavy rain and sandy road and camped about 1/2 past 5 oclock P.M.
Friday 8 we left and at noon it rained heavy and we stoped A little and the Crow tribe of indans Came up to use with their cheaf and they beged some bread of us and we yocked our cattle and came and camped about 4 oclock P.M. by sweet water.
Saterday 9th we left and came About 19 miles] over a road of sand and camped at sweet water
Sunday 10th most all our cattle was amissing and the men went to hunt them and found them. and we left and treavled a few mils and campe for the Night and [William Furlsburg] Carter shoed some oxen and Elder A[lexander]. F[indlay]. Mcdo'ald blest Sister [Jane Ferguson] Leadlaws [Laidlaw’s] young Frances [Laidlaw] 4 week. old.
Monday 11th we left and treavled over A rough 16 mils and Camped by A creek where was little grass and in the morning the cattle had to be hunted for
Tuesday 12th we hunted up our oxen and befor we started some indans came up and treavled with us and Ccamped with us over night. and three wagons from the valley Ccame up and Ccamped with us to and a meeting of some friends took Mother and son. Brothers and Sisters
Wednesday 13th we left and came to Pecific [Pacific] Springs and let the cattle lo[o]se for a little and some of them got stuck in the mud and had to be holed out with rop[e]s. and we hiched up and came on and came up to and past the Danes Camp and we campe by the Pecific Springs for the Night and the Deans [Danes] went by us and the indans with them.
Thursday 14th we left and on our way sister Leadlaws [Laidlaw’s] young son [Francis Laidlaw] died and i Buired it About ½ past 2 oclock P.M. we came on A few mils more and camped for the Night
Friday 15th we treavled to Big Sandy river and camped for the Night[.] we past the deans [dunes] on the way and some Brothren from the valley with food for the gathren [gathering] saints. The day before we met Elder John Taylor and some others on Missions to the Nations.
Saterday 16th we came to the Big bend of Big Sanday [Sandy] and camped for the night
Sunday 17th we crost the green River and camped for the Night and met some Brothren from the Vally S. Adams
Monday 18th all the goods in the Wagons was turned out that the flour might be seen in the camp.
Tuesday 19th we left and came to hams fork and camped for the Night[.] G. Smith and family and wagon was left behind as they brock [broke] an Axeltree of their Wagon
Wednesday 20th we left and camped by the same river crosing it three times too day
Thursday 21st we came About 10 mils and Camped by the same river crosting it twice to day. i-e Black Fork
Friday 22nd we came to fort Bridget [Bridger] and we took 1000 lbs of flour—and past it About 10 mils and camped for the night
Saterday 23rd we left and came Aabout 18 mils up hills and down hills[.] and rocks and sand with thunder lighten and rain at times.
Sunday 24th we left and came to Bear River and camped for the Night
Monday 25th we left and came to Cove Rock in Echo Ca[n]yon. dis [distance] 18 mils and we camped for the night
Wednesday 27th we left and camp About 9 mils by a little creek and campd for the Night.
Thursday 28th we left and camped 4 mils from the Big Mountain over a verey rough road and camped for the Night
Friday 29th we came over the Big Mountain and the cattle was sore dune we camped a few mils from the Bottom
Saterday 30th we came over the little Mountain and Camped a few mils from the bottom of it for the night
Sunday 1st of Oct we came into the Salt Lake City and Camped in the Public Squair [Square] and many of my Brothren called to see me and family
[From: Perpetual Emigrating Fund, Financial Accounts 1849-1886, Ledger A, p. 124.]
[From: Perpetual Emigrating Fund, Financial Accounts 1849-1886, Ledger A, p. 390.]
[From: Perpetual Emigrating Fund, Financial Accounts 1849-1886, Ledger B, p. 34.]
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